VII for energy efficiency in board and paper making

improve efficiency and reduce production costs with value adding applications and expert support


As energy costs account for approximately 30% of total board or paper machine operating costs, with this solution, our customers get proven energy savings. They can improve efficiency and reduce production costs with value adding applications and expert support. The solution gives you advanced data driven services, which enable optimization of energy efficiency better than before. You can access the applications in your control room via Valmet Customer Portal and our experts through Valmet Performance Center.

Save costs

Increase profitability

Applications and services included in VII for Energy Efficiency solution

Valmet Performance Center

  • On-demand expert support ​in process, control and automation issues​​
  • Upkeeping prediction accuracy and availability of applications​​
  • Maintaining controls performance by remote tuning​​
  • Continuous reporting to customer 

Learn more about Performance Centers

Customer Portal

  • The platform offers realtime access to VII applications and dashboards to follow process performance targets, access advanced guidance on how to run the process and analyze current running status.
  • Online collaboration and automatic alerts to Performance Center.

Learn more about Customer Portal